TETON Sports ALTOS-S 20˚F Mummy Sleeping Bag 1168
TETON Sports ALTOS-S 20˚F Mummy Sleeping Bag 1168
TETON Sports ALTOS-S 20˚F Mummy Sleeping Bag 1168
TETON Sports ALTOS-S 20˚F Mummy Sleeping Bag 1168
TETON Sports ALTOS-S 20˚F Mummy Sleeping Bag 1168
TETON Sports ALTOS-S 20˚F Mummy Sleeping Bag 1168
TETON Sports ALTOS-S 20˚F Mummy Sleeping Bag 1168
TETON Sports ALTOS-S 20˚F Mummy Sleeping Bag 1168
TETON Sports ALTOS-S 20˚F Mummy Sleeping Bag 1168

Teton Gear

Sleeping Tipo Momia ALTOS-S 20°F (-6°C)

Precio de venta$ 2,479.00 MXN
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
2 Reseñas

Te llega entre el y el

Mejora tu comodidad. Los sleeping bags ALTOS-S están diseñadas pensando en ti. El relleno resistente al agua te mantiene cálido y cómodo. Estos sleeping bags brindan más espacio para tus hombros, piernas y pies.

Mejora tus características. Los sleeping bags ALTOS-S son compactas, respetuosas con el medio ambiente y muy espaciosas cuando es hora de dormir. Es la solución definitiva para los excursionistas.

Mejora tu valor. Los sleeping bags ALTOS-S no solo son cálidas, cómodas y fáciles de empacar, sino que también tienen características que normalmente no se encuentran a este precio, como un compartimento para los pies abovedado, tubos para evitar que entre aire por el cierre y una capucha de tres piezas. El Sleeping Bag ALTOS-S mejorará tu aventura.

  • Relleno sostenible a base de plantas
  • Ligera
  • Espacio adicional en el compartimento para los pies
  • Cierres antiatrapamiento
  • Cubierta resistente de ripstop y forro suave
  • Dos bucles cosidos para colgar, ya sea para guardar o secar al aire
  • Saco de compresión con cordón
  • Garantía de por vida

Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
Basado en 2 reseñas
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2 reseñas
  • JH
    Jessie H.
    Bandera de United States
    Comprador verificado
    Recomiendo este producto
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Hace 2 años
    5 Stars

    Used this camping for the first time this weekend and was very happy with the bag. My 6-year-old daughter used the bag and stayed plenty warm down to the low 30s and even mentioned how comfortable the sleeping bag was.

    As another review previously mentioned, it's worth calling out how great the stuff sack is. It compresses the bag to a great size, while also being incredibly easy to repack. I've gone through many sleeping bags over the years and never had one as easy to pack as this one. Loved it!

  • MM
    Mathew M.
    Bandera de United States
    Comprador verificado
    Recomiendo este producto
    Rated 4 out of 5 stars
    Hace 2 años
    4 Stars

    Firstly, I'll say that I've yet to test it in the field. This is only my initial impression.

    First thing, the compression sack was surprisingly impressive. The material is thicker, with quality webbing and buckles. It would easily take a silicon impregnation type water repellant or stand up to being repurposed for other gear (handy, because I usually pack my bed and shelter in its own water tight bag). It easily takes the bag down to about 60% of its advertised pack width without trouble even after repacking it.

    Second, the bag itself seems solid. I love the extra room in the foot area, though it's a bit snug in the shoulders. Though not tight enough to be problematic. I'm fairly average size, 5'10", 160lb, with a 39" chest. Other than that, it's warmer than expected, the zips work extremely well, it packs very neatly, and should stand up to some heavy use.

    Will update later.

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